Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Undeniable (Jorge x Buddy)

Hey, Cool Kids, and welcome to the blog that your parents would be disappointed that you go on ironic or otherwise!

We've got a good one for you today!

The Undeniable Ship (Borge, which would be pronounced BORE-HAY)

To the casual onlooker, one might see a picture taken of two friends who are nothing but. But I am no casual onlooker. I am a professional who deals in the interworkings of others love lives. And I know, just as many others will agree, Buddy (left) and Jorge (right) are undeniably meant to be.

Often time, people will ask themselves "Wait, is Buddy gay or is he joking?". I can tell you that every word that exits his mouth is, in fact, true without a single doubt in my mind. What kind of words exits the mouth of this youth? His undying love for Jorge.

He talks about the make-out sessions they share, the gentle love they make to one another, and how every Cross Country practice ends with a wholesome and sincere "I love you". Do they deny it? Yes, they do. Do they really wish we would all stop shipping them together? Most certainly so. Do we actually care? No, and so Borge must ensue.

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