Thursday, September 8, 2016

Slay (Sarah x Michelle)

Hey, Cool Kids, and welcome to the blog that shouldn't be taking itself as seriously as it's about to.

I couldn't resist; these two are great. Without further apology, on to the ship!

The Ship That Slays (Sarah x Michelle, called "Gellar" as a witty joke)

This is a CANON couple, and that is adorable.

These two are really adorable together. Whilst sitting about in orchestra class, one can glance over and see these two together, being perfect. That's the kind of couple they are; one that makes their love immediately apparent.

Now, I don't know an awful lot about them, since I only ever have the one class with them. But here is what I have noticed so far. See, Michelle (right) is holding her cello. Sarah (left) plays the violin. After class, they like to play together and they are awfully good at it. I think this duo, though, is meant to be some sort of representation of who they are. They are a duo. They, like the bass clef and the treble clef, come together to form a single, harmonious piece that makes something really beautiful.

That is, at least I hope that's the way it is. Because I think that they make a cute couple, and that's why I have come to call this a ship of mine. Canon, even.

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