Monday, September 26, 2016

The Iceberg (Starlie vs. Stephester)

Hey, Cool Kids, and welcome to the blog that has more conflict than a Youtube comments section!

Let's get into this juicy bit of shipping drama!

The Titanic (Stephenie x Charlie, or Starlie)

The young couple, Stephenie (right) and Charlie (left) look towards their future.

This is a CANON couple, but may not be for long!

Look at this lovely young couple. It's pretty adorable to look at. They get along well, and they really have a chemistry going on between them. That is when you meet them. You can't really tell that much from this photo. You know why?

Because they never touch each other.

Some sort of ancient relationship law keeps these two from engaging in any sort of contact besides the ritualistic hug. I found this whole type up inside Charlie's backpack about it. It's apparently part of some ye-old organization that both of their families have been in for thousands of years. It states things such as:

1. No touching.
2. Like, really, don't you dare think about it.
3. Get the hell away from each other.
4. Bitch, did I stutter?

It's hard to understand the message of these rules because it's hidden under a lot of metaphors and old time language, but it's basically saying that they shouldn't touch each other. But trust me on this when I say that they really make a good couple. Like, do you really need to touch each other to love each other?

The Iceberg (Stephenie x Cross Country Poster, or Stephester)
Don't cry Charlie. It's not your fault that Stephenie loves the poster more than you.

As great of a couple as Starlie is, there has been some recent drama on the shipping playing field. Shit really hit the fan when Cross Country Poster started coming to Cross Country practices. You could tell from the first time they locked gazes with one another; Stephenie (far left) and Cross Country Poster (middle, with its hands all over her) were meant for one another. And to everyone's surprise, they held hands. We were like "Stephenie, you whore, you can't just go holding people's hands!". But they did.

Sad as I am to say, this ship does seem to have a lot going for it. Just picture this; star-crossed lovers. Wait, no, Stephenie is cheating on Charlie with the poster. Uh... secret admirers? It's not really secret, though. Whatever. It's pretty great anyways. I mean, just look wat great photo opportunities come with this couple. I mean, besides Charlie stifling a tear off to the side.

The point, though, is that there are some hard roads for Starlie ahead. But I have faith in them. Charlie has kept loyal to Stephenie, even though she spends time with a poster she won't admit she is having a fling with. Keep strong, Starlie.

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