Thursday, September 8, 2016

Netflix and Bill (Bill x Bill)

Hey, Cool Kids, and welcome to the blog that isn't ahead of its time; it's just a really bad idea to begin with.

Let's get right into today's juicy shipping.

20 Minutes into Netflix and Bill (Bill x Bill, known as Bill Squared)

Bill (left) looks into Bill's (right) very soul. The mating ritual has begun.

They say, and I commonly agree, that opposites attract. It creates diversity, perspective, and a building on one another's personality in a relationship. You do, of course, need similarities. It's always a good way to identify with someone when you share common interests.

But Bill and Bill share so many common interests that they are just destined to be together. The way they style their hair the same way, the way they both like Cross Country, the way they both like reading, and most importantly: the way they both like sloppy make-out sessions.

When I first stumbled across the ship, I must admit that I thought it would never work out. But as I began to get to know the chemistry between them, I realized that these two can't be separated. One thing I admire is that they aren't afraid to get weird in public. Like that one time when I walked into my 1st period, only to be greeted by these two consuming the corpse of my English substitute. It was agreeably one of the most romantic sights I have ever witnessed.

Bill and Bill are, to put simply, have inspired me and have made me set some of the same expectations for other relationships to follow. It brings a tear to my eye just thining about it.

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