Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Trump Card of All Ships (Leo x Luke)

Hey, Cool Kids, and welcome to the last thing you want people finding in your search history!

I'de like to welcome you all to the best shipping blog out there (just don't go looking for any other shipping blogs). We have only the best shipping content to satisfy your adorable or abnormal relationship needs! 

Like seeing two people who deserve to be together? We have that! Like seeing two people being forced into a relationship because I dictate so? Well, too damn bad, because I'm putting it on here anyways.

Without further ado, let's get right into the ships! 

Let Me Introduce to You, "Leo x Luke". (Because finding a decent ship name is too difficult.)

This is certainly the steamiest ship of the bunch. You can just see the passion these two have for one another just by taking a longing glance over this more than perfect photo. As you will see, the boy on the left (Leo) is gazing up with a fiery eye of love at his lover on the right (Luke). It's obvious from their body language that they just can't stand being apart. 

The way their two bodies intermingle in such a way that everybody around them can see that they were meant to be is a priceless sight. If your ever losing faith in the world around you, a single look at these two will have you going, "Well, crap, why didn't I realize how great life was before?"

This picture captures the essence of all that is good in the world.

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