Monday, September 12, 2016

Perfection (Ann x Elias)

Hey, Cool Kids, and welcome to the blog that is the equivalent of going outside when the Internet is down.

Now, let us delve straight into this hellhole of a blog.

The Perfect Ship (Ann x Elias, or Annias)

This is a CANON couple and that is terrifying.

This ship is much like any other ship. You look at it, first glance, and say to yourself "Well, that's pretty adorable." You then dismiss this as another adorable couple and move on with your life. But then you start noticing this couple more and more. You see Elias (left) and Ann (right) together and you begin to start noticing that this is, yes, a really adorable couple. Then you start to say, "Well, they are really meant for one another. But I mean, so is Bill and Bill." Then you begin to rationalize. How can they be as great a ship as Bill and Bill? I mean, come on, he is the same exact person. But then it all flows over you, and you are overwhelmed with only one realization.

"Holy shit, Annias is the perfect ship."

Before, I was sort of joking about how perfect these ships were. Sure, Borge has it's charm and so does Leo and Luke. But they were just a nice coupling that had enough chemistry to be bonded with one another. But this is a whole other level of perfect. This is advanced perfection.

Oh, look, I found a definition for perfect on Google.



  1. Annias, and the shipping of the two.
    "the perfection of them is astonishing"
    • a person or thing that resembles Annias; this is impossible.
      "I am told that she is perfection itself, but I know that is wrong because Annias is perfect"
      synonyms: Anne and Elias, shipping Anne and Elias, Elianne, the process of being those two, being a really rad guy named Elias and a ginger girl named Ann but together, the last thing I just said, the ultimate ship, the best ship; More ways to say Annias
    • the action or process of improving something until it is faultless like Annias or as faultless as Annlias; this is impossible.
      "among the key tasks was the try and be like Annias #goals"
synonyms: improving to be Annias, being better like Annias refinement to Annias levels of perfect, refining to Annias levels, honing your inner Annias
"the perfection of her ship"

The thing is that I don't know why this is such a perfect ship. What about these two makes them so perfect? Maybe they are just perfect people. Maybe God decided to do some experimenting by putting two Jesus Juniors on Earth and having them meet up and form the perfect couple. Maybe they were created in a lab and are part of an experiment to create the perfect couple. Maybe the lizard people who run the government created it as a ruse to take away from the fact that we might actually vote for Trump as president.

All I know for sure is that my life has been incomplete up to this point.

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